Sunday, August 19, 2007

Our last photo as a family of 9...

We took this at church this morning. Our next family photo will have one more "blessing" in it!

Did some serious packing today, but still have a ways to go. My wardrobe isn't large enough for me to pack the clothes I need in China and leave them in the suitcase till we leave!

My friend Martha who lives in the same town as we do (and is also a homeschooler, which is how we know each other), arrived in China yesterday. This is their second adoption from China. They are adopting a 6 year old boy. Her blog is She has a wonderful video on her blog that shows her family (and others in their travel group) receiving their daughter from China. For anyone wondering what it's like when you receive your child, this is a great video to watch.
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G and C said...

Your family is beautiful!
Only seven more days!!!


Charlotte said...


Can't wait to see him on gotcha day ! He doesn't know it is in store for the rest of his wonderful life with his big family !

Congrats !

Sherri said...

Hi Joan

We adopted a Wuhan girl in April. Your family is beautiful--there aren't many families out there that make our family look small!


Jill said...

Joan, I saw your post on Wuhan Kids - have a terrific journey! We also have a Wuhan boy, home 1.5 years now, adopted at just over two years old. Many blessings to your family, Jill Bentler

Daniel said...

Praying for your trip! I hope everything goes well!

Daniel said...


I can't wait to see you all with Josiah! We have loved walking along with you, seeing him on your laptop in the kitchen before you even submitted paperwork. Adoption and big families are spectacular!

Kathryn, using Dan's account